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In places like the United States, mobile applications are a dime a dozen. Just about any company you can think of has some kind of app for mobile phones. In other countries, however, mobile apps are still up and coming. Japan, for example, is a place that usually leads the world in technology. However, until recently, smartphones were a rare find there. As a result, mobile apps were not in high demand. Now, with the spread of the smartphone, having a mobile app development company is a global business.

Where There Is a Smartphone, There Is a Potential Customer

One reason why so many developers are turning to creating mobile apps is due to the size of the smartphone user base. Believe it or not, mobile apps have been around for over a decade. However, it was not until the launch of the Apple AppStore and the Android Market that apps really took off. It took so long to catch on because there was not a market for it. Ten years ago, a lot of people were still using flip phones. Now, it is hard to find a 10-year-old without a smartphone in his hand. With smartphones being located all over the world, companies find it is easier to advertise their products to people via mobile apps. Sometimes these apps are free, and sometimes they cost money. Either way, it is hard to deny the fact that every smartphone represents a potential customer for a company, and that is why they are investing millions in mobile apps.

Cheap Development

There are some mobile apps that cost companies millions to make, but there are some developers that create apps from their own homes. As a result, the start-up cost to create your own mobile app is very little. This gives everyone an opportunity to jump into this market, and that is one reason why it has grown so big. It also gives companies extra money to focus on making their apps known around the world. For example, instead of just releasing an app in English, companies can program their apps to be released in several different languages. The app can then be released around the world for a fraction of the cost of launching multiple advertising campaigns around the world.

A Growing Market

It is hard to imagine, but the mobile app industry has yet to reach its peak. This is because the smartphone industry has not reached its peak. As smartphones continue to become popular in other countries, such as Japan, this mobile industry still has room to grow. This means that there is still room for other developers to enter this market. There are billions of consumers out there with smartphones, and companies are looking for ways to tap into that.

The mobile app market shows very little signs of slowing down. There are still countries around the world that are looking to embrace this market just like the United States has. The ability to reach consumers all over the world has never been easier for companies, and that is why mobile app development is a growing business.
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