March 23, 2022

During this session Dr. Orlando will discuss common mistakes faculty make in giving students feedback, the most important types of feedback that students need, and how faculty can use technologies like voice and video to provide more and better feedback to students in less time.

October 28, 2021

“But does it really matter,” you might ask, “if a student believes that they are more wizard-like than they really are?” Short answer: Yes, it does matter, indeed. This presentation will propose a longer answer to that question by unearthing the sources of these legends, shining the light of day on the true nature of such creatures, and offering strategies for combating the pernicious effects of their influence. (Torches and pitchforks optional.)


Zvacek Mythical Beasts Ottawa.pdf

March 25, 2021

Racial tension and unrest, COVID 19, and overuse of the term “Pivot” have all made the past year a challenge. Higher Education has seen some unique challenges and stressors impact the personal and professional environment. This program will consider the impact and disparities caused by the pandemic and share how different institutions are creatively approaching these challenges.

Battling Burnout in Higher Education Handout.pdf

November 5, 2020

In the 4th event series with Dr. George Yancy, titled Naming Whiteness and Creating Dangerous Academic Spaces, he discusses necessary approaches to naming and marking whiteness within the classroom at PWIs. The overall objective of the session is to explore how to teach about race/whiteness in ways that refuse to obfuscate its reality.

February 28, 2020

In the third event in this series, The Science of Learning and Why It Matters, Dr. Josh Eyler explores intersections between anthropology, psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and educational research that can yield important insights into student learning. Along the way, he will discuss how this approach to thinking about teaching can inoculate instructors from educational fads, can play a role in institutional student success initiatives, and can provide a framework for designing and testing new pedagogies.

The Science of Learning and Why It Matters Presentation

The Science of Learning and Why It Matters Event Flyer

October 24, 2019

In the second event in this series, Digital Storytelling for Educators, Dr. Alexander discusses how the harnessing of technology for storytelling and how digital storytelling has become an international movement, with vibrant communities of practice, ever-developing ideas, and growing appeal. He will offer analysis and guidance regarding the use of digital video, podcasting, social media, gaming, mobile devices, and virtual and augmented reality. He provided practical advice on how to create and share digital stories using the most current tools so even the new would-be storyteller can create their first digital narrative.

Digital Storytelling Presentation

Digital Storytelling for Educators Event Flyer

In this session of Digital Storytelling, Dr. Alexander shares a different story with the group and there is much discussion on what meaning it conveys to the audience.

April 18, 2019

Our first event in this series is titled Teaching to How the Mind Works and will be led by Dr. Linda Nilson. Dr. Nilson is the Director Emerita of the Office of Teaching Effectiveness and Innovation at Clemson University and author of Teaching at its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors

Teaching to How the Mind Works PowerPoint

Symposium Teaching to How the Mind Works Event Flyer