Statement of Spiritual Identity

For American Baptists ABC-USA the local church is the fundamental unit of mission in denominational life. 

Baptist roots date back four centuries to a people seeking the opportunity to worship God as individual members of freely organized and freely functioning local churches. Baptists always have maintained the need for autonomous congregations, responsible for articulating their own doctrine, style of worship and mission.

The 1.3-million members and approximately 5,000 congregations of American Baptist Churches USA share with more than 42 million Baptists around the world a common tradition begun in the early 17th century. That tradition has emphasized the Lordship and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, believers’ baptism, the competency of all believers to be in direct relationship with God and to interpret Scripture, the importance of the local church, the assurance of freedom in worship and opinion, and the need to be Christ’s witnesses within society. 

"Ottawa University is steadfastly Christian, proudly American Baptist, and positively open and inclusive."

Through campus ministries programming and the Fredrikson Center for Faith and Church Vitality, we engage, partner and interact as:

Intrafaith = Within      American Baptist Churches-Central Region

When someone proposes an interfaith conversation, it means a conversation within a specific faith or religion, for instance, Christians speaking with Christians from other denominations. Also known as ecumenical, these interactions can be critical for social cohesion, as exemplified by interactions between any denominational division or subdivision (e.g. Evangelicals and Catholics, Sunni and Shia Muslims, Orthodox and cultural Jews, etc.)


Interfaith = Between/Among        Theology, Action and Understanding Institute partners...

Interfaith interaction is not about uniformity, conformity, or sacrificing one’s beliefs. Rather it is a fostering understanding and harmonious diversity; encouraging and supporting  faith-in-action with people of various faiths or diverse religions.


Multifaith = Many        OU Alumni worldwide

or Multifath Club- a cadre of current students who join with alumi, from all locations, committed to fostering an Ottawa spirit rich in human and religious diversity and dedicated to tangible service; communal, civil, societal, local and global.


Interspirituality = Conjoined Practices     the Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma

 This is an approach of engagement(s) which focuses on celebrating and exploring similar, overarching connections between experiential practices and a diversity of common faith traditions (such as prayer, meditation, compassion, historic alliances or expressions of mindfulness and service).


For Students (residential and On-line)

the Fredrikson Multifaith Club – is a cadre of students and alumni, from all locations, committed to fostering an Ottawa spirit rich in human and religious diversity dedicated to tangible communal, civil, societal service--broad and narrow, local and global, big and small.

Town and Gown Club-Conjoined campus and at-large communities, invested in fueling and retaining exceptional members, pooling and maximizing resources (of time, talent, treasure) and boosting balanced levels of learning and life.

For pastors and laity...

Please contact  if you have interest in volunteering with any aspect of OU's faith programming.

Fredrikson  Exemplars

Exemplars encourage spiritual growth and discipline, mentor youth in their faith journeys, and coach them on vocational and avocational goals. Mentoring

Heavenly Hosts (Host Families for Ks and Az students)

Host families role model the Ottawa Spirit through cultural support, welcoming engagement, aiding navigation of customs and culture and a variety of practical assistance… to students and staff who are guests in campus and (supporting) communities.

Role Models of Faith:

Role models and denominational 'tour guides' for planning and living out an hour-by-hour faith journey

Pre-game prayers or Team Chaplaincy                              2024-25 Team Chaplains

Pastor Darron Story,                   Braves Football PreGame Signup            Football-Pastor Tiger Pennington     


For Braves AND Spirit campuses----Join one of our annual Pastoral Training Cohorts:

Pastors are responsible for the overall effectiveness of every ministry. They may be called and empowered by God, but are constantly challenged by pressures inside and outside their churches.

In national surveys and in interviews, Pastors report that they feel well trained in theology, but often feel inadequate as leaders. They are constantly are faced with the problems of dealing with negative organizational behavior and "challenging" people within the church. This need is even more of a priority in the modern ministry because a pastor has less direct authority over the church and must deal with every kind of personality, as well a variety of different and potentially difficult church members who may become frayed as they experience difficult personal times.  Our cohorts explore and sharpen lessons not always taught in the standard seminary curriculum.

The statistics show that successful leadership comes from a pastor’s understanding of how to involve their ‘flock’, the exercise of high levels of emotional intelligence and motivational skills, and having the personal leadership confidence to withstand negative pressures that can lead to loss of confidence, personal de-motivation and feelings of burn-out.

The creation and/or clarification of core values, mission statements, concretized vision, and quantifiable goals and objectives ensure the church can build synergy, provide clear focus and unify its members in cohesive purpose. With strategic planning, decision-making becomes easier, ‘giving’ increases and there is a sense of ownership that instills the congregation with both pride and excitement. 

There is also a necessary business-like aspect to overseeing a church. While this side of church leadership has a comfortable basis in Jesus’ teachings about money matters, many church leaders feel squeamish in dealing directly with the "business aspects." Clearly, all churches have assets to manage, employees to pay, and members who rightfully demand accountability for their financial contributions. However, many lack clear, long-term planning mechanisms, protocols and measurements.