Pastors are responsible for the overall effectiveness of every ministry. They may be called and empowered by God, but are constantly challenged by pressures inside and outside their churches.

In national surveys and in interviews, Pastors report that they feel well trained in theology, but often feel inadequate as leaders. They are constantly are faced with the problems of dealing with negative organizational behavior and "challenging" people within the church. This need is even more of a priority in the modern ministry because a pastor has less direct authority over the church and must deal with every kind of personality, as well a variety of different and potentially difficult church members who may become frayed as they experience difficult personal times.

The statistics show that successful leadership comes from a pastor’s understanding of how to involve their ‘flock’, the exercise of high levels of emotional intelligence and motivational skills, and having the personal leadership confidence to withstand negative pressures that can lead to loss of confidence, personal de-motivation and feelings of burn-out.

There is also a necessary business-like aspect to overseeing a church. While this side of church leadership has a comfortable basis in Jesus’ teachings about money matters, many church leaders feel squeamish in dealing directly with the "business aspects." Clearly, all churches have assets to manage, employees to pay, and members who rightfully demand accountability for their financial contributions. However, many lack clear, long-term planning mechanisms, protocols and measurements.  

The creation and/or clarification of core values, mission statements, concretized vision, and quantifiable goals and objectives ensure the church can build synergy, provide clear focus and unify its members in cohesive purpose. With strategic planning, decision-making becomes easier, ‘giving’ increases and there is a sense of ownership that instills the congregation with both pride and excitement.