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Sermons inlude: A letter to introduce himself and his gospel; Hence my eagerness; The congreation of believers; God's way of righting wrong, God has no favorites, Why the gospel, Trough his act of liberation.


Sermons include: When we were still powerless, Spiritual warfare, Grace full of all proportion; At the disposal of God; Free from the law; Misrable but delighted.


Sermons included: Through his indwelling spirit; Waiting with eager expectation; The deliverance on which it all rests; Who can separate us? The gift of discernment, Jesus and the City; Blind to the truth.


Sermons included: The great confession; Here is my deepest concern; For the sake of my brothers; A living sacrifice; The gifts allotted us by God.


Sermons include: generosity and hospitality; Revival of religious sideshow; Good to defeat evil.



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Sermons include: Theological declaration of Korean Christians; Appeal to American Christians and other co-religionists obliged to submit; How critical the moment is; Let the earth hear his voice.


Sermons include: Evangelism: Mission; Great words: Salvation; Salvation and conversion; Salvation: Jesus; The great words of evangelism; Salvation in the teachings of Paul.


Sermons include: Witness; A community of healing; Is the bible our authority?


Sermons include: A ministering community; Praise him: Amern and Hallelujah; What about angels? Storing up treasures.


Sermons include: Keep it simple; Drink from it, all of you; The calling; Who is building the church and the glory of the Lord; The humble have been lifted high; Christians and the second coming.
