
Title Description File type

Sermons include: What is that in your hand? Member or disciple; Stewards of the grace of God; A living sending church.


Sermons include: He ran to meet him; The gift of hospitality; Forgiving much and loving much; Eating and drinking with Jesus.


Sermons included: He set his face; The curtain was torn; He appeared even to me; Are we going back to our nets.


Sermons included: Andrew: one of the quiet ones; The wounded healer; The call, the gifts, the ministry; Holiness and compassion; The church, the Christian and homosexuality.


Sermons included: Through them has my glory shown; Who is the real witness? You will receive the gift of the holy spirit; The high cost of disobedience.



Title Description File type

Sermons included: A low murmuring sound; Coming in all the way; The kingdom of God and the strawberry patch; Our plan…his plan.


Sermons included: Coming home; A name of wonder; Gratitude for the cross; Worship that changes life; Hidden booty in the camp.


Sermons included: Paul: a servant of Jesus Christ; The gospel concerning His son; The gift of apostleship; Eager and not ashamed.


Sermons included: The righteous God; The wrath of God; God gave them up; You have no excuse; Will a man rob God?


Allowed to share; A matter of the heart; Declaring all that God had done; The greatest love story.
