Sermons included: Is the church a live option; Our supreme need, Look at what has happened for worship; Having all things in common; On entering the kingdom; The fellowship of the unashamed; The lost kingdom; The road to Emmaeus; The judgment; They were in expendable;The towl or the sword; She gave her whole living; King for a day
Sermons included: Do Baptists believe in Education? God's covenant with them; On the marriage ring; Christ in the Family; The dignity of work; A boy and a girl-- and God; The cost of being a Baptist; The cult of the comfortable; Evil and our faith.
Sermons included: Our divine calling; Is there no Psalm in Gilead? Christ--The hope of the world; Climbing Jacob's ladder; The pearl of great price; The wo great questions of the Bible; Ministering to a procession; Building up the body; As on having authority.
Sermons included: The hallowed name; The coming kingdom; Our daily bread; Forgive our debts; Deliver us from evil; Christ and my decisions; Holy living and holy dying; Christ and my fears; The church and mental health; Christian faith and the Mormon Church; The world's greatest love letter; Unto us a child is born; Jesus of Nazareth.
Sermons included: Our faith and the Jehovah Witnesses; Built on a rook; Our faith and the Holiness Sects; The strategy of Salt.
Sermons included: Lord send me; Our fellowship in Christ; Responsible family living; When Christ passes by; Weighed and found wanting; The great shepherd of the sheep; When religion is a fad; Is your life successful or significant? The king who left the city; To be continued.
Sermons included: Going back to our nets; Our spiritual warfare; The dilemma facing christian teaching; Keeper of the springs; The Christian interpretation of dating; The cost of discipleship; For the healing of the nations; Dare we have a mature faith; Should we pray for healing; Does God judge men?
Sermons included: Davy Crockett and the American Dream; The diary of a pilgrim; An audience or an army? First things first; Facing up to one's debts; A life worthy of the calling; A feast for all needy people.
Sermons included: Faith of our children; Frontiers for our faith; The lamb has conquered; Love covers a multiple of sins;The game we all play; Christ speaks to the churches; All God's chullun' ain't got shoes; Get out of the church; They have their reward; Christ is able; God's hand on your shoulder; Leaving all for the sake of the Gospel; The cost of loving a world; A savior has been born; Sorry, no room; New Year's Eve Communion Service.
Sermons included: What will God do with me? Drinking the cup; Community under the cross.
Sermons included: Cab these bones live? Why are you afraid? Give me oil in my lamp? Dare we make the investment; Our citizenship under Christ; No borrowed creed; Glory in the valley; O believe in God the father.
Sermons included: Jesus Christ his only son; I believe in the Holy Spirit; I believe in the Holy Catholic Church; I believe in the forgiveness of sing; Is this April Fools Day? Loaves and Fish; By the power of God; Church & Family--Enemies or Allies.
Sermons included: Walking around a revolution; Growing into maturity; The integrity of our membership; Living by fake pressures; How can a man be saved? I will build my church; Brotherhood--fiction and fact? Can we be free within.
Sermons included: Religion that is practical; Suffering and the Christian hope; Things that cannot be measured; How should a Christian vote? Personal marriage to our congregation; What is our ministry of reconciliation? The gate is narrow.
Sermons included: The winds of God; Surprised by judgment; When religion gets nite overalls; A costly citizenship; Have we outgrown prayer? I will repay you; They first gave themselves to the Lord.
Sermons included: Well done, good and faithful servant; When God's peace guards the door; And the glory of the Lord; The darkness has not overcome the light; I will not forsake them; Like a root in the dry ground; His name shall be called wonderful; Going home another way.
Sermons included: Your money is you; Some comments on chosen peoples.
Sermons included: Can a congregation know the will of God? The dark night of the soul; Man under orders; A matter of the heart; Not disobedient to the heavenly vision; Christ and our defeats; Our unknown and forgotten allies.
Sermons included: These strange people called Baptists; Our life together; New wine for the wedding feast; Water that never fails; Learning to walk; Branches but no fruit; The coward in our souls.
Sermons included: The case of mistaken identity; They that wait upon the lord, Freed my sheep; The kingdom which has no boundaries; Living by false pressures; Can there be a modern pentecost; Be not anxious; Love never faileth.
Sermons included: As if someone had lifted a veil; One thing you still lack; Are we husksters or evangelists; She is forgiven for she loved much; Sometimes it causes me to tremble; The man who wouldn't keep quiet; Our God meets us at every corner.
Sermons included: The dangers of being a protestant; Our needs and God's resources; Life's unfinished tasks; A colony of heaven; The tragedy of rejecting the right invitation.
This file includes articles used to prepare for sermons.
Sermons included: Is it only a lovely story? Christmas Service--Philippians 2: 5-11; New Year's Eve Meditation.
Sermons included: Praying in a solitary place; I make all things new; The church in your house; This is my prayer; Unless I see, I will not believe; Prescription for anxiety.
Sermons included: Life's ultimate question; The imitation of Christ; Drinking his cup; The joy of obedience; What will he do with me? A community under the cross; Glory in the morning.
Sermons included: The age of the spirit; The peace that passes understanding; Maintain the spirit glow; When the answer stands at the door; The freedom of the spirit; Entrusted with the Gospel.
Sermons included: Satellites and saints.
This file includes articles on the Congo and additional pieces for use in creating sermons.
Sermons included: I now bid you take heart; A house divided against itself; Christ and our search for security; The promises of God; When He came to Himself.
Sermons included: The claim of home on all of us; Christian conscience and our world; Can you keep the song; Justification by Faith; You lack one thing; Our understanding of Baptism; Light the dark streets; Invitation to Greatness; The cost of being a Christian.
Sermons included: Jesus and our money; The responsibility of receiving; The Galilean Accent; Now Concerning the offering; The Great Invitation; Be not afraid; I am the first and the last.