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Sermons included: Is the church a live option; Our supreme need, Look at what has happened for worship; Having all things in common; On entering the kingdom; The fellowship of the unashamed; The lost kingdom; The road to Emmaeus; The judgment; They were in expendable;The towl or the sword; She gave her whole living; King for a day


Sermons included: Do Baptists believe in Education? God's covenant with them; On the marriage ring; Christ in the Family; The dignity of work; A boy and a girl-- and God; The cost of being a Baptist; The cult of the comfortable; Evil and our faith.


Sermons included: Our divine calling; Is there no Psalm in Gilead? Christ--The hope of the world; Climbing Jacob's ladder; The pearl of great price; The wo great questions of the Bible; Ministering to a procession; Building up the body; As on having authority.


Sermons included: The hallowed name; The coming kingdom; Our daily bread; Forgive our debts; Deliver us from evil; Christ and my decisions; Holy living and holy dying; Christ and my fears; The church and mental health; Christian faith and the Mormon Church; The world's greatest love letter; Unto us a child is born; Jesus of Nazareth.
