
Sermons included: The word rejected and received; Identity and witness; The women of the body.

(.pdf, 45479K)

Sermons included: The prospects; The second touch; The holy spirit & renewal; We are in a struggle.

(.pdf, 65752K)

Sermons included: The second touch; The evil one undoes the Lords work; The holy spirit & our renewal.

This file also includes many church letters and circulars.

(.pdf, 48647K)

Repeat sermons, letters, articles and circulars.

(.pdf, 61034K)

Repeat sermons. This file includes many letters, circulars and articles.

(.pdf, 59679K)

Sermons: Jesus in the airport; Jesus flight; Can these bones live?

(.pdf, 52377K)

Sermons included: Turn about; When God opens doors; An inviting people; The second touch; A conversion renewal scripture.

(.pdf, 47446K)

Sermons included: We have a concern for the *******; The second touch.

Letters, circulars and articles are included in this file

(.pdf, 41587K)


Sermons include: Gratitude for the past.

The file includes lots of letters, articles and circulars.

(.pdf, 43999K)

Sermons: Our retirement; Have you joined the choir?

This file includes many letters, circulars and articles.

(.pdf, 43755K)

Repeat sermons.

This file includes many letters, articles and circulars.

(.pdf, 50277K)

Renewal conference information and articles, circulars and letters.

Repeat sermons.

(.pdf, 57563K)

Sermons included: Agenda for a living church.

Christian Education conference information and church circulars and letters.

(.pdf, 44437K)

This file includes: letters, articles, schedules and circulars.

(.pdf, 63552K)

Repeat sermons and information about the Bible Missionary Conference

This file includes: letters, circulars and articles.

(.pdf, 86332K)

Sermons included: The Lind Center Life; Renewal- Hosea 6; What is renewal.

(.pdf, 87809K)

Repeat Sermons.

This fine includes letters, circulars and articles.

(.pdf, 92021K)

This file includes repeat sermons and letters, circulars and articles.

(.pdf, 114435K)