Course Description
This course will introduce faculty to the principles and concepts of information literacy and emphasize the importance of teaching these skills to our students through a systematic program. Assessments, readings, discussions and in-class activities will cover the following topics: the relationship between information literacy and critical thinking, the importance of assessing information literacy skills, combating plagiarism, and creating effective library research assignments allowing students to use their skills across disciplines. Faculty will also have an opportunity to update their research skills using online catalogs, online article databases, and the Internet. On completion of the class, administrators, faculty and adjuncts will receive a certificate of completion.
This course will:
Learning Outcomes
The faculty will:
Here are two short videos to watch about the definitions of information literacy and critical thinking.
Five Components of Information Literacy
Critical Thinking
Questions to consider
What is information literacy?
Tasks to do while considering the above questions
Here are two short videos to watch on the topic of metaliteracy.
Metaliteracy: empowering yourself in a connected world
Metaliteracy: translate
Discussion and Reflection
Lifelong Learning Task
The Morning Ten
You exercise or jog in the morning? If you do, find ten more minutes to set aside in the morning for a as a period for Education. See if you can learn just ONE new thing you didn’t know in the ten minutes you set aside!! You could be dressing and watching the news or the weather, or just glance at a magazine or newspaper. If you find yourself too tired, you might want to wait a short while, but do not put it off until too much later.
Part #3: How does the information literacy class work at Ottawa University?
At Ottawa University Information Literacy is integrated into the Orientation to the Academy and the Writing in the Disciplines courses for freshmen and transfers.
Part #3 Readings
American College and Research Libraries. (2015). Information Literacy for Faculty and Administrators. Retrieved from
Santa Clara University. (2015).Orradre Library: Information Literacy Faculty Workshop Materials. Retrieved from
University of Notradame. (2015). Hesburgh Libraries: Faculty Toolkit for Teaching Information Literacy. Retrieved from
University of Texas. (2015). Information Literacy Toolkit. Retrieved from
Holiday, W; Dance, B; Davis, E; Hedrith, A; Lundstrom & Martin, P. Information Literacy a snapshot: Authentic Assessment across the curriculum. College and Research Libraries, 76(5): 1-39. Retrieved from
Johnston, N. (2010, September). Is an online learning module an effective way to develop information literacy skills. Australian academic and research libraries, 41(3), 207-218. Retrieved from
McCue, R. (2014, March 2). Does a blended learning, flipped classroom approach help information literacy students in the long term adoption of research skills? Retrieved from
The LAS 13525 Information Literacy class syllabus is located on the LAS 13525 Libguide Page
Part #4: Information Literacy and Ethics
Part #4 Readings
Lampert, L. D. (2004). Integrating discipline-based anti-plagiarism instruction into the curriculum. Reference Services Review, 32(4), 347-55. Retrieved from
Payne, T. How to protect yourself from committing plagiarism. Retrieved from
USM Plagiarism Tutorial. Retrieved from
Write Check. (2015). Retrieved from
What is plagiarism in the electronic age?
Part #5: The Gangwish Library Catalog and other online resources
Part #5 Readings
Jenson, J. (2004). It's the information age, so where's the information?: why our students can't find it and what we can do to help. College Teaching 52 (3), 107-112. Retrieved from
Ottawa University LibGuides.(2015). Database Searching. Retrieved from
Part #6: Using the Online Library Databases at the Gangwish Library
Part #6 Readings
Biddix,J. P. & Park, H. W. (2011). Convenience or credibility. A study of college student research behaviors. The Internet and Higher Education, 14: 175-182. Retrieved from
Part #7: Finding E-books at the Gangwish Library
Part #7 Readings
Huthwaite, A; Cleary, C. E.; Sinnamon, B.; Sondergeld, P. & McClintock, A. (2011). Ebook readers: separating the hype from the reality. In Proceedings of 2011 ALIA Information Online Conference & Exhibition, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre. Retrieved from
Part #8: Searching the Internet for Scholarly Resources
Part #8 Readings
Edudemic. (2015). Do your students know how to search? Retrieved from
Horton Jr., F.W. (2007).United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Understanding information literacy: a primer. Retrieved from
Jaschik, S. (2007, January). A stand against Wikipedia. Inside Higher Education. Retrieved from
Part #9: Information Literacy Assessment
ILAAP is an assessment of information literacy skills that is available for students to take before the Information Literacy segment taught by the library during Orientation to the Academy. This test is scored so that faculty have a good idea of the baseline information literacy skills of incoming Ottawa University students. The ILAAP assessment is taken again at the end of the of the Writing in the Disciplines course to determine how well students have progressed toward becoming information literate.
Part #9 Readings
Blevens, C.L. (2012, April). Catching up with Information Literacy Assessment: Resources for program evaluation. College and Research Libraries News, 73(4), 202-206. Retrieved from
Bloom’s Taxonomy. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gilchrist, D. & Oakleaf, M. (2012). National Institute for Learning Assessment. An essential partner: The librarians role in student assessment. Retrieved from
Kent State University. (2015). Project SAILS. Retrieved from
Kent State University, (2015). Sample Questions from Our information literacy assessment. Retrieved from
Oakleaf, M.(2015). A roadmap for Assessing Student Learning Using the new Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Retrieved from
Ottawa University LibGuides. LAS 13525. Retrieved from
Part #10: Faculty roles and information literacy
Part #10 Readings
Association of College and Research Libraries. (2015). Philosophical shift: Teach the faculty to teach information literacy. Retrieved from
Fister, B. (2009, March).Fostering information literacy through faculty development. Library Issues, 29(4). Retrieved from
Information Literacy Video Tutorials
You are invited to watch two of the following videos?
Becoming 21st century teachers
Information literacy in a nutshell
5 Components of Information Literacy
Media Literacy Awareness
Future Learning
Turning Problems into solutions
What is critical thinking?
What are 21st century skills? Why should they be developed in us as teachers and in our students?
How do we prepare our students to become problem-solvers and critical thinkers?
When I first came to Ottawa University, I saw how students struggled with writing their papers, and especially with following APA exactly and citing their sources. A few years ago, I learned how colleges were implementing information literacy programs, an...