Part #5: The Gangwish Library Catalog and other online resources

  1. What is the online library catalog? What resources can be found in the online library catalog?
  2. What are LibGuides? What resources can be found in the OU LibGuides?
  3. What is the Ebsco Discovery Service (EDS) search? What resources can I find using it?
  4. What is the Fulltext Finder? How do I use this search and what types of materials do I find?


Part #5 Readings

Jenson, J. (2004). It's the information age, so where's the information?: why our students can't find it and what we can do to help. College Teaching 52 (3), 107-112. Retrieved from

Ottawa University LibGuides.(2015). Database Searching. Retrieved from



  • Explore the library catalog by doing searches in it on topics in your discipline
  • Explore the EDS by doing searches in it on topics in your discipline
  • Explore the FullText Finder catalog by doing searches in it on topics in your discipline



  1. Explore the LibGuides and find the LibGuide for your discipline.
  2. What type of resources are available there and what can be changed to improve the LibGuide in your discipline?