Part #8: Searching the Internet for Scholarly Resources

  1. What are Internet search tools?
  2. What is Google Scholar?
  3. What are the criteria for evaluating a Web site?


Part #8 Readings

Edudemic. (2015). Do your students know how to search? Retrieved from

Horton Jr., F.W. (2007).United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Understanding information literacy: a primer. Retrieved from

Jaschik, S. (2007, January). A stand against Wikipedia. Inside Higher Education. Retrieved from



  • Enter Google Scholar in the Google Search Box. Find the Google Scholar search box. Search for articles in the subject areas in which you are currently teaching. Locate two full-text articles related to it that can be downloaded in either .pdf or html.
  • Find the CRAP Test a form of evaluation used in our class for Source evaluation


Discussion and Reflection

  1. Search engines: What are they? Why use them? How do you use them effectively?
  2. How do you applying online searching concepts and techniques to the Web?
  3. How can you help your students critically evaluate Web sites?
  4. How do you evaluate Internet Sources? How do you decide whether a source is good enough to include in an academic paper.