Information Literacy Assessment

Part #9: Information Literacy Assessment

ILAAP is an assessment of information literacy skills that is available for students to take before the Information Literacy segment taught by the library during Orientation to the Academy. This test is scored so that faculty have a good idea of the baseline information literacy skills of incoming Ottawa University students. The ILAAP assessment is taken again at the end of the of the Writing in the Disciplines course to determine how well students have progressed toward becoming information literate.

  1. Why is do the student information literacy skills have to be assessed?
  2. What does it mean for a student to be information literate?
  3. Does Bloom’s Taxonomy fit the information literacy course?
  4. What is the ILAAP Exam? How is the exam used as an assessment in the classroom?
  5. How are rubrics used in the Information Literacy Classroom?
  6. What are the criteria for evaluating a research assignment?
  7. What is authentic assessment and how is it used in the course? What is authentic assessment? How is authentic assessment used in the course?
  8. Information Literacy, then what?


Part #9 Readings

Blevens, C.L. (2012, April). Catching up with Information Literacy Assessment: Resources for program evaluation. College and Research Libraries News, 73(4), 202-206. Retrieved from

Bloom’s Taxonomy. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Gilchrist, D. & Oakleaf, M. (2012). National Institute for Learning Assessment. An essential partner: The librarians role in student assessment. Retrieved from

Kent State University. (2015). Project SAILS. Retrieved from

Kent State University, (2015). Sample Questions from Our information literacy assessment. Retrieved from

Oakleaf, M.(2015). A roadmap for Assessing Student Learning Using the new Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. Retrieved from

Ottawa University LibGuides. LAS 13525. Retrieved from



  • Take the paper and pencil mock SAILS exam that is provided and consider your grade on the test.


Discussion and Reflection

  1. What was your experience of the mock SAILS exam?
  2. How does this information literacy course fit into the LAS assessment process?
  3. Do we need these assessments for HLC?
  4. What does an information literate student look like?
  5. Why should students be information literate when they graduate?
  6. Understanding authentic assessment and what is taught